MedicSPA Gatineau is proud to have a skilled team of medical aestheticians and nurses guided by our very own Dr. Patricia Berbari.
Whether this is your first visit to MedicSPA Gatineau or you have been visiting us for years, we want you to feel comfortable and confident in our team, and we are here to make your aesthetic experience pleasant and memorable. Dr. Berbari strongly believes in continuing medical education, and our staff attends yearly medical aesthetic conventions to stay up-to-date on the newest and more advanced treatments and techniques.
Our MedicSPA Gatineau staff is trained and certified in Basic Life Support (BLS), and we have a defibrillator onsite.
Our Dedicated, Experienced, and Multilingual Team
Our medical aesthetician, Myra, is dedicated to educating her patients on their skincare needs while performing a wide range of facial treatments. Fluent in French and English, Myra brings her meticulous and perfectionist personality when treating all her patients.
When not at MedicSPA Gatineau, Myra loves participating in outdoor activities.

Mona is our registered licensed practical nurse (RLPN) and operating room assistant. When not assisting Dr. Berbari, Mona performs many semi-invasive treatments and injectables and has significant experience with laser treatments. (She is also a certified Laser officer). Mona speaks French, English, and Persian.
When not assisting in the operating room or performing skin care treatments, Mona enjoys spending time with her puppy, Diamond.
Mallory balances a dedicated career as a registered licensed practical nurse (RLPN) in the operating room as well as at the medical spa. She has 20 years of experience in the healthcare field. She has a passion for music which leads her to spend her free time singing and playing melodies with her guitar. She also loves traveling and exploring new horizons.

Under the Medical Supervision of Dr. Patricia Berbari
Dr. Berbari created MedicSPA Gatineau to provide her patients with advanced, state-of-the-art cosmetic treatments that address their skin care needs and/or complement other plastic surgery procedures.
Dr. Patricia Berbari is a board-certified plastic surgeon, a Past President-elect of the Canadian Laser and Aesthetic Specialists Society (C.L.A.S.S.), and associated with a variety of medical societies, including:
- Collège des médecins du Québec
- Association des spécialistes en chirurgie plastique et esthétique du Québec
- Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
- Canadian Society of Aesthetic Plastic surgeons
- Canadian Laser and Aesthetic Specialists Society
- International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
You will meet with Dr. Berbari for your initial consultation.
Call Us to Schedule a Consultation. We Cannot Wait to Meet You!
We are here to help you achieve the healthy skin you want. Call MedicSPA Gatineau today at (819) 414-2200 to schedule a consultation. We serve Gatineau and the greater Ottawa community.