The Best Body Contouring and Skin Resurfacing Treatments This Summer

Summer is often when people think about enhancing their appearance with aesthetic procedures. With more opportunities to show skin, from the beach to the pool, you may consider body contouring and skin resurfacing treatments to help you look your best. 

Beautiful, thin woman in blue bathing suit smiles on the beach

MedicSpa Gatineau offers the best non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures specifically designed to target the skin and body. 

Below, we will discuss four procedures that provide stunning results perfect for summer. 

Body Contouring Procedures in Ottawa and Gatineau

Ideally, we would all be able to reach our aesthetic goals through diet and exercise. But, sadly, that’s not always enough. 

Non-invasive or minimally invasive body contouring treatments improve or enhance areas of the body resistant to diet and exercise. This often involves disrupting fat or eliminating cellulite and can help sculpt, tone or slim the body for satisfying results. 


BodyTite® is a minimally invasive procedure that works to tighten and tone areas of the body for results normally only acquired through surgery. 

Using bipolar radiofrequency technology, BodyTite® tightens loose tissues and skin while increasing lipolysis (fat breakdown). 

By inserting a small probe beneath the skin, BodyTite® targets the underlying tissue directly rather than the surface. This is a great treatment for body areas that might develop sagging skin after liposuction since BodyTite® tightens skin while disrupting fat cells. 

Downtime is minimal, with most patients returning to daily activities the next day. At MedicSpa Gatineau, we can treat the belly, arms, chest, thighs and knees with BodyTite®.


For a non-invasive body slimming procedure, SculpSure® provides natural, visible results. Using light technology, SculpSure® heats fat cells, increasing fat disruption to specific areas of the body. 

During this non-invasive procedure, your body contouring specialist will apply the device to the area of concern: the abdomen, flanks or thighs. The SculpSure® device will alternate between heating and cooling. Cooling ensures your comfort, while the heating pulses raise the temperature of the fat cells. 

SculpSure® results in minimizing fat in your target area, revealing a more toned, slimmed figure. Most patients see results in a few weeks, with optimum fat disruption occurring up to six months after your first treatment. 

Skin Resurfacing Treatments in Ottawa

Smooth, tight skin with an even tone can boost confidence and improve the look of the whole body. Additionally, skin resurfacing treatments can enhance the effects of body contouring treatments for full body rejuvenation. 

Smartxide® DOT CO2

Unlike other laser treatments, Smartxide® DOT CO2 treatments target deeper skin concerns, allowing for greater cell turnover. CO2 fractional laser treatments can help with concerns such as: 

  • Acne scars
  • Loose skin
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Smokers lines
  • Large pores

During your CO2 treatment, pulses of fractional laser energy will penetrate the skin to make microscopic holes, triggering your body’s healing responses and strengthening the skin. Additionally, this process stimulates collagen and elastin production to help tighten and strengthen the skin for lasting results. 

While this is a minimally invasive procedure, there is some downtime — four to seven days — while your skin heals and strengthens. 

Results often take three to six months to be fully visible, but you can expect them to last. The laser improved concerns through the skin’s natural healing process, making recovery worth the wait. 

Morpheus8™ Body

If you struggle with loose or sagging skin and stubborn pockets of fat on the body, Morpheus8™ treatments can help. By combining microneedling with radiofrequency technology, this minimally invasive treatment slims, tightens and smooths the skin and body. 

Microneedles stimulate collagen and elastin production, triggering the body’s natural healing response for lasting results from the inside out. On top of that, fractional technology disrupts subdermal adipose tissue, while the heat from RF technology helps promote skin contraction. 

This all-in-one treatment provides long-term results that can be visible anywhere from three weeks to three months. As with most treatments that stimulate the natural production of collagen, results will continue to improve before optimal results are achieved. This is because it takes time for the body to adapt, heal, and produce rejuvenating materials that provide noticeable results. 

With Morpheus8™ Body, you can see results such as 

  • Tighter and firmer skin
  • Reduced fat in the abdomen, flanks, thighs, buttocks, above the knees, upper arms, and more
  • Reduced appearance  of stretch marks, scars, and cellulite
  • Improved skin texture

Interested in Learning More About Skin Resurfacing and Body Contouring Procedures in Ottawa and Gatineau?

At MedicSpa Gatineau, our medical professionals and aesthetic procedures are under the guidance of board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bebari. Each patient will have a private consultation with Dr. Bebari or one of her specialists, who will design a treatment plan specific to their needs. 

If you want to learn more or schedule a consultation, call us today at (819) 414-2200 or fill out our online contact form